
Information and Disclosure in Accordance with §5 (1) E-Commerce Act (ECG), § 25 Media Act, § 63 Trade Regulation Act (GewO), and § 14 Commercial Code (UGB)

Website Operator:

Manuel Rössel


Spittelbreitengasse 23, 1120 Vienna

Contact Information:

Phone: +436601660248


Applicable Legal Provisions:

Professional Title:


Online Dispute Resolution:

Consumers residing in Austria or any other contracting state of the ODR Regulation have the option to resolve issues concerning the paid purchase of goods or services through an online dispute resolution mechanism (under the ODR Regulation and AStG). The European Commission provides a platform for this purpose:


The content of this website is, to the extent legally possible, subject to various protections (e.g., copyright). Any use/distribution of the provided material that is prohibited under copyright law requires the written consent of the website operator.


Despite careful content control, the website operator assumes no liability for the content of external links. The respective operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. Should you notice any outgoing links leading to a website with illegal activity or information, we request that you inform us so that such links can be promptly removed in accordance with § 17 Abs. 2 ECG.

The website operator takes the utmost care to respect the copyrights of third parties. If you nonetheless become aware of a copyright infringement, please notify us. Upon becoming aware of such legal violations, the content in question will be promptly removed.

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